
  • We offer both membership and class packages options for our semi-private classes! Check out these options below to find a plan that best meets your needs.
  • Also find more details below on our private training and kids class packages.
  • If you prefer come workout on your own and use our facilities, we also provide an open gym membership!
  • Email us to inquire about pricing for team boding, corporate and private events!
  • We also offer new client promos and student discounts! Email us at to learn more!


Open Gym

Monday – Friday: 6am – 8 pm

Saturday – Sunday: 8am – 2pm


Unlimited access for $125 / month

First-time sign-ups receive 1 free semi-private class (expires in 60 days)

Our membership options

8-pack Monthly

8 classes per month
8 classes a month. Choose from all the semi-private classes, i.e. Driller, Groundwork and Killers.

Basic Unlimited

One class per day with one chosen coach
Take one semi-private class per day for the month with your chosen coach.

AllCoach Unlimited

Unlimited Classes with All Coaches
Unlimited semi-private classes a month (Yes, you can take multiple a day!) with all the coaches!

Our class packages options

Single Class

Drop-in Rate
$50/per class
Drop-in rate for non-members

5-Class Pack

$225/per package
$45 per class, 3 months expiration

10-Class Pack

$420/per package
$42 per class, 3 months expiration

Private Training and Kids Classes

Private Training 1 Session

starts at
$200/per session
One private training session with your favorite coach. * $225 with a head coach

Private Training 10 Sessions

starts at
$1600/per package
Ten private training session package with your favorite coach. $160 per session. * $2000 with a head coach

Kids Class 10 Pack

$300/per package
10 sessions of kids boxing classes

We’re here to help

Contact Us to Inquire about New Member Promos and Student Discount!